Constance Murray, sister of Miriam's grandmother Aline Murray (Kilmer),
married Stanley R. Greene. Their son Philip married Constance Clarke. Philip and Constance C. Greene produced a line of authors, many of them published,
just as did Aline's son Kenton and his wife Frances Frieseke.
Beat the Turtle Drum; Constance C. Greene Illustrated by Donna Diamond Paperback Reading level: Ages 9-12 Amazon.com Constance was prolific. Search for more of her books at Alibris Shep GreeneThe Boy Who Drank Too Much; Shep Greene (March 15, 1980) Paperback Reading Level: Young Adult. A teenage hockey star tries to cope with his problems through drinking, but finally seeks help through his friends. "Highly involving, with a storyline that never goes overboard in its portrayal of youthful drinking." ~ Booklist. I highly recommend this book for teens and their parents. The burden of peer pressure to which highschool students are subjected is made abundantly clear. The bleakness and anguish of Shep Greene's portrayal of the hockey star's life is relieved by the hopeful beauty of his depictions of loyalty and young love. ~ Miriam A. Kilmer Amazon.com See "Booklist" Review Alibris We All Sing With the Same Voice; Sheppard M. Greene, J. Philip Miller (composer), Paul Meisel (Illustrator) Harper Collins Juvenile Books(December 26, 2000) Hardcover Book & CD Reading level: Baby-Preschool. Shep wrote the lyrics to this Sesame Street song. Amazon.com Alibris Philippa Greene MulfordThe Holly Sisters on Their Own; Philippa Greene Mulford Publisher's Notes: While getting to know her half-sister who comes to spend the summer, twelve-year-old Charmaine gradually discovers that she and Cissa have a lot to learn from each other. Alibris Keys to Successful Stepmothering; Philippa Greene Mulford Alibris Emily Smiley Sings the Blues; Philippa Greene Mulford Publisher's Notes: After her mother died, nine-year-old Emily was the one who took care of her father. Now he's remarried, and Emily is supposed to stop taking care of him and start being a little girl again. Even worse, her new family includes three obnoxious brothers! But Emily is really put to the test when she must confront the worst bully at her elementary schoolthe pretty and perfect Missy, a.k.a. "The Mean Queen". Alibris Search for any book by Philippa Greene Mulford atAlibris Lucia Greene ConnollySearch for any book by Lucia Greene Connolly at Alibris Stephanie GreeneThe Rugrats' First Kwanzaa; Stephanie Greene, Segundo Garcia (Illustrator). Simon Spotlight (October 2001) Paperback Reading level: Ages 4-8 Amazon.com Alibris Owen Foote, Frontiersman; Stephanie Greene, Martha Weston (Illustrator). Clarion Books (September 1999) Hardcover Reading level: Ages 4-8 Amazon.com Alibris Diana S. Greene79 Ways to Calm a Crying Baby; Diana Greene. Pocket Books (November 1988) Paperback Alibris Search for books by Diana Greene at Alibris Schuyler M. BullThrough Tsavo: A Story of an East African Savanna; Schuyler M. Bull, Randye Kaye (Narrator), Paul Kratter (Illustrator). Soundprints Corp Audio (The Nature Conservancy)(April 1998) Hardcover Reading level: Ages 4-8. If you have read this book, please send in your review for possible publication. contact customer service Amazon.com Alibris Paperback Amazon.com The Nutcracker: With 25 Jewel Stickers!; Schuyler M. Bull, Jerry Smath (Illustrator). Grosset & Dunlap (September 1998) Reading level: Ages 4-8. If you have read this book, please send in your review for possible publication. contact customer service Amazon.com Alibris Henry Mills Alden (November 11, 1836 ~ October 7, 1919)Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War; Alfred H. Guernsey, Henry M. Alden (Contributor). Hardcover. A large and heavy tome, this is a 1996 facsimile edition of "Harper's Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion in the United States", first published in 1866. It reflects the horrifying bigotry of its times, evident in the writings of some of the most adamant of Northern Caucasian Abolitionists. The text, pictures, and maps are fascinating and invaluable to Civil War buffs such as Miriam's husband, Tim Slattery. Amazon.com Alibris Magazine Writing & the New Literature; Henry M. Alden. (Select Bibliographies Reprint Series) Hardcover (June 1977) OP* Amazon.com Alibris Study of Death: Works of Henry Mills Alden; Henry M. Alden. Hardcover (October 1985) OP* Amazon.com Alibris Search for books authored or edited by Henry M. Alden at Alibris Read more about Henry Mills Alden |
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